Super 7 Ring
Super 7 Ring
Super Seven: Grounding | Ascension | Spiritual Growth
Super Seven ring. Super 7 is a rare stone found in only one region of Brazil. Super 7 crystal is an incredible stone made up of 7 different crystals each targeting one of the 7 chakra. This stone assists in making changes at a vibrational level helping to guide us onto the right path and towards higher levels of enlightenment.
Super 7 has an energy of abundance and never needs cleaning or charging!
The 7 crystals in this one stone include: Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, Smoky Quartz, and Quartz.
Chakra: All
Stone Approx. Size: 1cm
Sold Individually. Adjustable band. 925 silver.
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All crystal properties are metaphysical in nature and they can be used alongside but do not replace medical advice.